Our employees demonstrate leadership and innovation in the workplace, and help to ensure we operate in a safe, socially, and environmentally responsible manner.
Here are some of the awards, certifications and recognition our teams have recently received:
Health, Safety and Wellness:
- The 2021 Silver Helmet was awarded to the Creston Mascota mine for the second time in the category of Open Pit Mining (up to 500 workers) by the Mexico Mining Chamber (CAMIMEX), bringing Agnico Eagle Mexico’s Silver Helmet award count to eight.
• The 2022 Quebec Mining Association (QMA) Health & Safety Awards honoured 33 supervisors from Goldex Mine and LaRonde Complex for supervising more than 50,000 accident-free work hours in 2021.
• Agnico Eagle Goldex was the John T. Ryan Award winner for achieving the lowest reportable injury frequency in the QuebecMaritimes region in 2021. Goldex was also awarded the F.J. O’Connell Trophy for having Excelled in Safety Performance for the second time in three years.
• The Fosterville Emergency Response Team won six trophies at the Northern Australia Mine Rescue Competition, earning 2nd place in the fire exercise and theory exam, 3rd in the first aid exercise, and was awarded the Mates in Mining Award.
• In Mexico, the Pinos Altos Rescue Team Águilas Doradas (“Golden Eagles”) finished with top honours at the Annual National Competition for Underground Mine Rescue, having placed 2nd in the Benchman BG-4 Test and 3rd in the HAZMAT Test.
• In Canada, Goldex’s Mine Rescue Team won the overall Championship Trophy at the Quebec Provincial Mine Rescue Competition, as well as the First Aid trophy. Meanwhile, the Macassa Mine Rescue Team placed first on the written exam portion of the Ontario Kirkland Lake District Mine Rescue Competition.
• For the first time ever, a team from Finland participated in the International Mine Rescue Competition (IMRC) – Agnico Eagle Kittila –competing alongside Agnico Eagle Goldex. Both teams putting forth a strong effort on this world stage, with Goldex coming in 10th and Kittila 12th overall.
• Amanda Roy, from our Meliadine operation also participated in the IMRC with the all-women Canadian Team named “Diamonds in the Rough” which won two medals at the competition.
Environmental Stewardship:
- In 2022, the International Network for Acid Prevention (INAP) awarded Detour Lake Mine with the International Award for the Implementation of Best Practices in the Identification, Planning and Management of Potentially Reactive Geologic Materials at a mine site.
Our People:
- 2021 Human Resources Award was presented to Agnico Eagle LaRonde by the Quebec Mining Association for developing virtual training modules to equip employees with more tools to assist in mining underground and at the processing facilities.
• Exceptional Woman in Victorian Resources was awarded to Felicia Binks, Director Environment and Government Relations; and Exceptional Young Woman in Victorian Resources was awarded to Claudia Bowman, Explorational Geologist at the 2022 Victoria Women in Resources Awards.
• 2021 Empresa Socialmente Responsible Award was presented to Agnico Eagle La India for their commitment to ensuring the well-being of employees/collaborators, operating with superior business ethics, community outreach and environmental care.
• Agnico Eagle Mexico was named as one of the Best Places to Work in Mexico 2022 for its commitment to creating a safe, healthy and engaging workplace.
• An employee of the Meadowbank Complex, Renne Pudnak, won Agnico Eagle’s 2021 Michel Letourneau Award in recognition of her talents and influence in making the workplace more inclusive.
Our Communities:
- 2022 Best in Business was awarded to the Macassa Mine for its commitment to the community and contributing to the economic development of Kirkland Lake.
- The municipal government of Ocampo recognized Pinos Altos for its contribution to the progress and development of the community.
Other Achievements:
- Agnico Eagle received the 2023 Canadian IR magazine award for Best ESG reporting (large cap).